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8 week Hockey Yoga Programme designed for THC Masters Players (aged34+ mixed) BOOK NOW

8 week Hockey Yoga Programme designed for THC Masters Players (aged34+ mixed) BOOK NOW

Shelagh Everett14 Jan - 18:59

Book Now places are limited ! Kelly Burdett will be running a new THC Hockey Yoga programme starting on Wednesday 22 January at the Club

***We're nearly full only 4 places left so don't delay in booking***
Once we're full we'll run a waiting list and refund any payments if you've paid after we're at capacity.

Something for our 'masters' players (men and women aged 34+)

Join our new THC Hockey Yoga programme of 8 classes designed and led by Kelly Burdett! Find out more about the programme and benefits below

Book Now to snap up one of the limited places - £40 for the block payable in advance. We are limited to 18 to 20 spaces maximum and if spaces are available we may be able to accommodate some pay as you go folks. This programme is aimed at our Masters Players (men and women aged 34+) so they will have priority and bookings will be on a first come first served basis - places booked once payment received!

  • Sessions will run on Wednesday 8.15pm to 9.15pm (please try arrive for 8pm to get set up)
  • Sessions held in the Function Room at Timperley Sports Club
  • First session - Wednesday 22nd January 2025
  • Final Session Wednesday 19th March (NO session on 5th February)
  • Please bring your own mat if you have one


Everyone attending needs to complete a Health Questionnaire in advance - CLICK HERE for Hockey Yoga Health Questionnaire

Programme aims:

1. Introduce the wider role yoga can play, alongside physical Asana, to support Masters Hockey maintenance
2. Introduce learners to basic breathing, awareness of the breath and simple breath control practices; linking breathing to simple movement (of which over time, can increase lung capacity)
3. Introduce learners to foundational asana to further develop balance, mobility, strength and to improve flexibility, to help reduce the risk of injury/re-injury
4. Talk learners through guided relaxation techniques, to help manage stress, important for recovery & performance
5. Weave a theme through each class introducing principles and philosophy of yoga specifically for (physical and mental) conditioning for hockey.

Benefits links to programme focus to strengthen Hockey/Masters Athletes (all in published articles/research papers, in medical journals):

✓     Reduce Inflammation
✓     Pain Reduction
✓     Improve sleep/aiding recovery
✓     Improve Flexibility and Mobility:
✓     Increase of lung function

Contact Kelly from more details or specific questions and we've had early interest in half the places available so don't miss out book now !

Further reading